Archive for January, 2018

Dare to Dream

January 31, 2018

abundanceAlfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” This statement is often quoted and yet not everyone agrees with it. If you’ve ever had your heart broken, especially recently, you may think this statement is not at all true. But I believe I know what he was talking about. Even if you have lost at love, your life is richer for having experienced it.

I’d like to ask you another question, perhaps much more controversial. Is it better to have dreamed and lost than to have never dreamed at all? For those who have dared to dream of what they’d like to see in their life, some have become embittered. I know of many people, especially older people, who would say that they wished they had never had a dream or set a big goal. They may have been repeatedly hurt, disappointed, abused, or ripped off. They took their minds to great heights only to come crashing down. Sometimes the pain is too much to want to get up and try again.

Let’s look at the story of Joe. (This is hypothetical but all too common.) Joe was a country boy who always wanted to have a farm of his own. However, he was urged to pursue another career path. So he went to school and got a job in the city. It was a good job, but his heart wasn’t truly in it. Finally one day, he decided to pursue his dream. He didn’t just up and quit his job. He worked hard, sacrificed and saved until he could earn enough money for a good down payment on a farm. The day finally arrived when he was able to purchase a farm and move back to the country. It took all of his savings to pay for the down payment on the farm, a minimal amount of equipment and seed to plant. He planted his crop and worked very hard to get it to grow well. His efforts were soon rewarded with a large field of beautiful corn stalks. The stalks were full of ears of corn. It looked like it would be a bumper crop.

Then tragedy struck. A huge storm laid the crop low. None of the corn was salvageable. It was a total loss. Joe’s savings were wiped out. His plans for a great crop that year were completely ruined.

What would you do if you were Joe? Would you sell the farm and go back to your old life? Or would you try again? Should Joe have just settled for his job in the city and never attempted to live his dream? It certainly would have been easier.

The purpose of life is to have joy. Joy comes from relationships and experiences. Unfortunately, relationships and experiences often result in pain. To have neither joy nor pain is to simply exist. That is not living. So I ask again – is it better to have dreamed and lost than to have never dreamed at all? It’s important here to step back and look at the bigger picture. We can ask the question in another way. Is it better to have dreamed a dream, including working hard to accomplish that dream, and lost than to look back on your life and see that it was wasted as you wallowed in mediocrity, too afraid of pain to try for the joy? This could be one of the most important questions that you can ever ask yourself.

I’ve known a lot of joy in my life. However, I have had dreams smashed or just never come to fruition. I’ve worked hard for things only to have them taken away. I’ve been burned a number of times and experienced a lot of pain. How many times should you have to get burned before you learn to stay away from the fire? That seems like a logical question. And yet, is it better to spend your life in the cold and darkness simply because you’re afraid of the fire?

Some dreams take a long time to come true and come with a host of setbacks along the way. Some dreams end in painful disappointment. However, EVERY GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT STARTS WITH A DREAM. Don’t let the fear of pain keep you from reaching for the joy. My wife always says, “the answer is always no if you don’t ask”. You may be afraid of failure. However, failure (the lack of accomplishment) is guaranteed for those who will not try. You’re far more likely to have wonderful things happen in your life if you’re not afraid to dream. Dreams become goals, goals lead to action, action brings results. So dare to dream!

The Miracle Man

January 29, 2018

StethoscopeI have had many wonderful experiences helping patients with both chiropractic and energy work for many years. I have never been one of the pseudo-medical practitioners who believe that chiropractic is just for treating joint pain and dysfunction. I believe in the original chiropractic philosophy in that it’s all about the nervous system and the proper functioning of the body for optimal health.

Something I’ve often wondered about is how many lives I have saved. That may seem like an odd statement, but think about it. If someone is walking toward a cliff and someone catches them right as they’re about to step off the ledge, it’s very dramatic and very obvious. That kind of healthcare is exciting and has spawned many TV shows. However, what’s more effective, I would think, is to turn someone around before they even get close to the edge… hence preventive medicine. It’s not as dramatic, and one could argue that they really would not have stepped off the edge of the cliff anyway. But isn’t it better to keep one away from the edge rather than waiting until they’re about to fall off before you help them?

But even in my line of work, sometimes we get to be involved in the exciting area of helping someone about to fall off the cliff.

Shortly after I started doing energy work (Emotion Code, Body Code, NAET), I began doing proxy work – doing distance treatment on patients not in the office using a proxy. Part of my work involves a technique that I developed called the Vital Balance Technique.

A couple of weeks ago, my receptionist got an urgent call from her family about her aging father in St. George (80 years old). He had a heart attack and was in the hospital emergency room. His lungs were filling with fluid. He was disoriented and fighting the people trying to work on him. My receptionist jumped in the car and started heading for St. George, a 3½ hour drive from our office. She contacted me and asked me to do a proxy session for her father, which I did right away. With the assistance of a proxy, I balanced him both structurally and energetically. I worked on his heart and lungs. I balanced some acupuncture points using non-invasive techniques. When the session was completed, I could feel a shift – a sense of calm.

Shortly thereafter, while still on her drive to St. George, my receptionist got a call from her family saying that 20 minutes earlier (right when I had finished that proxy session), her dad had suddenly calmed down, had stopped fighting the nurses, and was resting comfortably. Over the next few days, I did a few more proxy sessions for him. With each treatment, he improved. After spending a few days in the hospital, he had improved remarkably. The doctors and nurses at the hospital called him the “miracle man”. (They don’t know about the treatment that I was doing remotely, nor would they be likely to accept the idea that it had a significant impact on his recovery.)

I certainly don’t take all of the credit for this man’s miraculous recovery. I’m sure the doctors and nurses at the hospital did a great job. (In this case, I would not have even suggested that he only get my proxy treatment. Medical care was necessary.) I know the prayers of the family helped a great deal. After all, the final outcome was in God’s hands. And of course, the patient himself and the care that he took of his body all of these years played a big part. However, there did seem to be a direct correlation between the work that I was doing remotely and his progress. Was it a coincidence? If so, it’s a coincidence I witness on a regular basis!

I used to be very skeptical about energy work, even though I’m not a part of mainstream medicine. But over the years, I found that body, mind and spirit all go together. I’ve been fortunate to find energy work techniques that my logical mind can work well with. I now believe in the power of energy work, including proxy work, which I use all the time. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to help people all over the United States and in several other countries with the proxy energy work. If you’d like more information, visit my website at