Archive for the ‘Natural Weight Loss’ Category

Success and the Universe

March 3, 2014

UniverseThe universe hates lies, inconsistencies, and vacuums. So does your subconscious mind. I’ve found a lot of similarities between increasing prosperity and losing weight. There’s been a lot written about the “power of positive thinking” when it comes to prosperity, but not as much for losing weight. There are diets and weight loss programs galore. The principles that I will discuss here apply not only to weight loss and prosperity, but virtually every aspect of life.

When you say “I am fat” or “I am poor”, you are reaffirming to the universe that that is your truth, which it obediently follows. When you say “I need to lose weight” or “I desperately need more money”, what is the message that you’re putting out there? The universe doesn’t want to make you into a liar. If you lost weight, there would be an inconsistency with your statement and belief that you need to lose weight, which it doesn’t want to create. Of course, once you lose the weight, you would no longer say that (hopefully), so the inconsistency would go away. The problem is in getting there. Don’t ask the universe to create inconsistency, which it abhors. The same thing goes for prosperity. If you NEED money, how can the universe give you money without making you a liar?

If you’re logical and analytical like me, you immediately see a problem. If you’re fat and say that you’re thin, then you are already a liar. Plus there’s the fear that if you say you’re thin, you’ll stop working on losing weight and just go hog-wild with food, which will make you even fatter. So it is with money. Saying that you’re wealthy when you’re really poor is not speaking truthfully. Plus there’s a possibility that you’ll start spending money you don’t have simply because you’re acting the part of a wealthy person.

First of all, (someone correct me if I’m wrong) you need to maintain some thread of connection with “reality”. Your logical mind knows that the money isn’t actually in your bank account YET. I don’t recommend that you go out and try to buy a yacht when you only have $13 in the bank simply because you’re convincing the universe and yourself that you’re already wealthy. As positive thinking gurus (Leslie Householder and others) will tell you, it’s not that you have to convince yourself that the money is already in your account and available to spend, which would not be true. However, it is a truth that once you’ve declared prosperity for yourself, in a sense, that wealth, which is “out there”, is on its way to you and can properly considered yours. So if I fully believe that I am a millionaire and declare it to the universe without doubt or hesitation, yet only have $13 in the bank currently, am I a liar? No. I certainly can’t spend it yet, but I am whoever I say I am and I can be assured that it’s on its way to me. It may take a month, a year, or 10 years, but it doesn’t make it any less mine. What if I die before it gets here? Am I a fool for spending my remaining years believing in something that never came? Or would I be more a fool for constantly reaffirming to the universe that I’m broke and therefore ensuring that I would remain broke?

Secondly, rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, fat, thin… it’s all relative. The universe doesn’t make those kinds of distinctions. These are relative terms that only make sense in our own minds. If you say you’re poor, the universe will do its best to keep you poor, as you see it. If you drive through a neighborhood of mansions with Rolls Royce’s and Mercedes’ in every driveway, you might feel like you’re poor. Yet, without changing your current financial situation, you can look at someone who truly is in abject poverty, who lives in a dirt hut with no conveniences whatsoever, where they’re lucky to get a small bowl of rice once a day, and suddenly you feel wealthy. So which is it? Are you rich or are you poor? You can see the absurdity of putting a fixed label on yourself either way. (Please keep in mind that I’m speaking to the masses in the middle. I don’t expect someone who truly is in abject poverty to somehow think like a millionaire. Even then, these principles can be used in some small way in any situation to improve one’s situation.)

The same principle applies to your weight. If you’re 80 pounds over the weight you think you should be at and you start hanging around people who are 200-300 pounds overweight, you’re less likely to feel horribly fat. On the other hand, if you spend time with people who don’t have an ounce of extra fat, you’re probably going to feel like you’re tremendously overweight. Which is it? Are you fat or thin? It’s all relative. If you think “fat”, you attract fat. You are what you tell the universe you are. It doesn’t care one way or the other. Of course, if you know that you’re significantly overweight and you tell the universe that you’re thin, it feels like a lie. You “know” that you’re overweight, not just because of whom you hang around with, but you have a tape measure, a scale and a mirror as evidence that you don’t weigh what you’d like to weigh. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s all relative.

As you focus on the way you want to be, not as wishful thinking, but assuming that role and thinking as if you’re already there, you create some conflict. You will most likely feel that conflict within, but you understand what that conflict is all about. So you can deal with it. The universe doesn’t know what to do with it. One of two things has to happen – either you have to go back to your old way of thinking (the one that matches your current reality) or the universe has to restore balance by bringing to you the thing that you desire and believe is yours. So keep thinking right and you’ll be far more likely to attract the positive changes in your life you desire.

If you’re struggling with emotional baggage that is interfering with putting these principles into practice, I recommend looking into getting some treatment using The Emotion Code.

Devastating Attraction

August 23, 2013

sad-woman-silhouetteI always try to keep my blogs uplifting, hoping to inspire people to live happier, healthier lives. But it’s not all sunshine and puppy dogs. Sometimes we have to address the difficult issues in life, even things we’d rather not deal with. There is a very sad ugliness that is all too common, something most people don’t want to think about, let alone discuss. In the course of my practice, working with the Emotion Code and other energy techniques, I sometimes find myself helping women who have been sexually abused as children. In many cases, it involved a close family member. I can’t imagine that any of the perpetrators felt good about what they were doing. However, they may not have been fully aware of the long-lasting damage they were doing. It results in lifelong emotional scarring that can affect a woman in many ways. (I realize that this happens to boys as well as girls, but I’m more familiar with this issue with women. So that’s what I’m writing about.)

For many people, it can be confusing and difficult to know how to deal with the uninvited lustful desires and actions of someone else toward them. For a child, it’s virtually impossible. From what I’ve seen, how a person reacts to lust that is directed toward them can have a significant impact on their life. Hopefully, for most people, unless someone is forcing themselves on them, they can deal with it fairly well. Most people are able to take a “thanks, but no thanks” attitude if the advances are not welcome. In many cases, it can be taken as a compliment, no matter what the response is. But some people are not able to handle it in a healthy manner. Some women may get virtually addicted to this type of attention. The more they feel desire toward them, no matter how crude or base, the more it builds their sense of self-esteem (although I don’t believe this is true self-esteem).

What I see more commonly is just the opposite. These women react to lust with fear and repulsion. Especially when the exposure to someone else’s lust came early in life, this lust can be closely linked to emotions of betrayal, disgust, fear and panic. These can also lead to feelings of worthlessness, hatred, resentment and other emotions. Later in life, it can be difficult to distinguish the lust that was directed toward them early on with the feelings associated with a normal healthy physical and emotional relationship. This can lead to sexual dysfunction in marriage or even the avoidance of romance with the opposite sex altogether. In cases where sexual abuse became linked to the approval of someone close to them, it can open the door to more abuse in the future. I’ve seen women go from one abusive relationship to another. It’s a confusing link between acceptance/approval and cruelty, although this isn’t always linked to early sexual abuse.

In most of the cases that I work with, the symptoms are not that extreme. There may be some sexual dysfunction and marital stress, but they’re usually tolerable. One of the most common symptoms that I see is obesity. In our culture, being overweight is not typically considered sexually attractive. So these women have an inner conflict. On the one hand, they want to be accepted and admired as being physically attractive. On the other hand, this little voice deep inside their head is constantly reminding them that to be “sexy” is the LAST thing that they want. Anything that would encourage lust toward them must be avoided at all costs. So on the outside (consciously), they’re doing everything they can to lose weight. Yet the subconscious mind is constantly thwarting their attempts. Fear prevents them from accomplishing their goal weight.

If you’ve read any of my previous blogs, you may be thinking by now, “isn’t this guy a chiropractor? What’s he doing delving into heavy psychological issues?” It’s true that I’m not a psychologist or a marriage counselor or anything like that. I don’t treat serious psychological problems. However, I am a certified Emotion Code practitioner. In the course of doing that and other energy work, I find myself dealing with the types of problems I’ve described (some in the office and some remotely). Between the work that I do and nearly 60 years of living on this planet, I do have a few things to say about this issue, although I don’t expect anyone to recognize me as an expert in this area. I have been able to help a number of women with this type of issue. The results range from minimal to miraculous. For more information on work that I do, you can visit my website at or you can go to to learn more about the Emotion Code in general. For questions and comments, use the form below.

The One Reason for Failed Weight Loss

September 2, 2011

I’ve written a number of small articles on various aspects of how to lose weight naturally. Now I’d like to just approach it generally. There are many weight loss programs out there. Many of them are very good and work for many people. However, most of the advertisements that I see that show fantastic results include a disclaimer that says that these results are not typical or that results vary. It seems like there are some people that can do any kind of program and get the weight off and keep it off. Then there are some people for whom no program works. Even if they stick to the program faithfully, the weight does not come off or they get very little response. For many people, they can get the weight off, but then the weight gradually comes back. Even expensive and dangerous weight loss surgery often ends with the patient putting the weight back on. When it comes right down to it, there is only one reason why weight loss programs fail. The basic reason that weight programs fail to get the weight off or keep it off is that the underlying causes for the excess weight were not discovered and corrected.

This is a simple statement, but of course the actual solution is seldom simple. Also it’s different for everyone. I sometimes hear about some fantastic weight loss idea that helps many people lose weight. In reality, no one has come up with a simple solution that works for everyone. All valid weight loss programs work for some people, but I haven’t seen one yet that works for every person. That’s because we’re all unique individuals. When someone happens to find the solution that matches up with their particular issues, bingo!, they’re the poster child for that program, telling everyone that “if I can do it, anyone can do it”.

If you’ve never struggled with weight loss, you may be thinking, “just eat less and exercise more, dummy!”. I work with people all the time who eat less, eat better foods and exercise more than most skinny people I know. I have some patients who have stuck faithfully with a variety of weight loss programs only to wind up with disappointment. Frequently there is not any kind of eating disorder and even if there is, there has to be some reason behind it.

I believe that much of the problem, from a psychological standpoint, stems from the workings of the subconscious mind. That’s the part of our mind that is not part of our conscious thoughts, that remembers everything, that doesn’t use logic and reason like the conscious mind, but operates by emotions. Despite your desire to look better, be healthier and your understanding that you really ought to weigh less, your subconscious mind may have a different agenda. It may be operating in survival mode — responding to traces of deep emotions left over from traumas that your psyche has had to deal with, especially from childhood.

I don’t want to get into a lot of what might be the possible issues in this blog. There are many possible reasons for excess weight, both physiological and psychological. The point is that it’s a complex issue for many people. And if they don’t follow that one rule of finding the underlying causes for the excess weight, their efforts to lose weight will generally end in frustration and disappointment, which then adds to their reasons for gaining weight. It’s important to find out WHY your body has put on those extra pounds. If the reasons seem obvious to you, make the necessary changes to get back to a healthy weight. If the changes didn’t work for you and you’re left scratching your head wondering why or if you were unable to get yourself to make the changes, contact me or visit a natural healthcare practitioner in your area who works with finding underlying physical and psychological reasons for excess weight. And always keep in mind, although obesity is a cause of many health problems, it’s also a symptom of what’s going on inside. No matter how badly you need to lose weight, it’s still more of a health problem than a weight problem.

The Great Debate: Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners

July 22, 2011

If you’re both weight conscious and health conscious, the question may have come up, as it has for many people, if I want something sweet, which is better, sugar or artificial sweeteners? To a large extent, in our society, sugar has been made the bad guy. As I was growing up, everything was loaded with sugar. People didn’t think much about it, but now many of us are paying the price for it. As people realized that sugar can make us fat and sick, but not wanting to give up the desire for sweet flavors, we turned to artificial sweeteners. Now we’re finding those aren’t such a good choice either. I’ve seen many sweeteners come and go. One will emerge as a safe alternative to sugar, and then we find out that it’s not so healthy after all. So we turn to something else, until we find out how bad it is.

In early days, sugar was not as easy to come by. Our pioneer ancestors had sugar, but it usually came in the form of a brick that you had to work to get a chunk of. The human body is well-equipped to deal with carbohydrates. In small amounts, it can even deal with highly refined sugar. However, it was never designed to have frequent large amounts of it, which cause huge spikes in our blood sugar and wear out both our pancreas and the insulin receptors on our cells.

Our bodies are also not designed to deal effectively with artificial sweeteners, which we would generally classify as chemicals. Let’s take a look at some of these:

Saccharin – I grew up around this one. However, in the 1970’s, it was linked to cancer and thereafter taken off the shelves. The FDA has since decided that it’s not so bad and has lifted its ban. I still don’t really trust it. Besides, it doesn’t taste good anyway.

Cyclamates – This one seemed to come and go fairly quickly. It was linked to chronic toxicity and even implicated in the saccharin/cancer controversy. It is legally used in 55 countries, but not the United States.

Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) – “The safety of aspartame has been the subject of several political and medical controversies, congressional hearings and internet hoaxes since its initial approval for use in food products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974.” (Wikipedia) It is a dietary excitotoxin, which can cause pain and trigger flare-ups in people prone to fibromyalgia. Excitotoxins can also make you think you’re hungry when you’re not, causing you to eat more. It is also implicated in fluid retention. So, although the FDA has declared it safe for consumption and it provides sweetness without calories, it could actually contribute to obesity.

Sucralose (Splenda) – This is an extremely sweet chemical sweetener (about 600 times sweeter than sugar). It can also cause you to retain fluid. Many people have some degree of sensitivity to it. Sucralose can cause one to suffer from sluggishness, fatigue, make legs feel like lead weights, mood swings, severe cramps (female), intense pain, painful bowel movements, bloating, dizziness, confusion, and more. As advertised, sucralose starts off as sugar, but then it’s bound to chlorine atoms. The problem is that chlorine reacts with organic material to create chlorination by-products (CBPs) that can trigger chronic symptoms like fatigue, headaches and brain fog, as well as reproductive and immune problems. Sucralose has no calories, but there are sometimes a few calories in the fillers (maltodextrin, etc.) that are often used. In spite of FDA approval and a great deal of usage, I don’t believe it’s been sufficiently studied.

Stevia – This is a naturally occurring substance that’s much sweeter than sugar. A 1985 study indicated that it may cause genetic mutations. However, the World Health Organization has since found that it does not. I don’t yet have much information on it, but as far as I know it’s safe.

Xylitol – This one, although not regular sugar, seems fairly safe. It is actually a sugar alcohol that is found in the fiber of some fruits and vegetables. It’s often used in toothpaste and some chewing gum. It’s not as sweet as sugar and provides less food energy. It’s absorbed more slowly and so it should provide sweetening with less insulin spikes. Don’t go overboard with it though. Although it has fewer calories, it does have about 2/3 the calories of sugar and can have a laxative effect.

So what’s the final answer? Be wary of artificial sweeteners. Do not think that because you’re avoiding sugar, you’re giving yourself a thin, healthy body. Whether you use sugar or sugar substitutes, go easy. If you have strong cravings, see me and we’ll address them.

Fat Burning Rules

June 24, 2011

The following guidelines are not all required in my weight loss system. However, it contains a lot of helpful information. I got these from a highly respected colleague — Dan Murphy, D.C.

  • Do not eat late at night
    • Never eat after dinner
    • Never go to bed with a full stomach
    • Try to finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before bed
    • Try to allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast
  • Do not snack between meals
    • Eat only 3 meals per day
    • Try to allow 5-6 hours between meals; eating 20 grams (.7 oz) of protein minimum with each meal will help one to do this
  • Avoid eating large meals
    • Eat slowly. It takes 20-30 minutes for the leptin signals to turn off the hunger centers of the brain
  • Always eat breakfast, including at least 20 grams (.7 oz) of protein
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates, including sugary drinks (limit juice), all sugary foods, breads, pasta, potatoes, rice
  • Do not consume MSG or aspartame. They damage the brain so that the brain thinks you are hungry and you will eat more food. Remember that MSG has dozens of names on food packaging (see
  • Avoid high-fructose corn syrup. It causes insulin resistance, producing more insulin and increased storage of fat.
  • Do not consume grains because they are carbohydrates.
  • Do not drink alcohol. This includes wine and beer.
  • Keep your stress as low as possible.
  • Eat lots of raw and steamed vegetables, some fruits – especially apples and raw nuts. These fruits are NOT okay because they are high in sugar and low in fiber: bananas, dates, figs, raisins, canned fruit, dried fruit and mangoes.
  • Exercise. A combination of weight training and aerobics is best.
  • Sleep a minimum of 7 hours every night.
  • Avoid abnormal sources of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds:
    • Birth control pills
    • Hormone-replacement therapy
    • Soy based foods
    • Eat organic produce only. If the foods you are eating are not organic fruits, vegetables and meats, you are consuming foods that have been exposed to pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides and estrogens. All of these stop fat burning and increase fat storage.
    • Plastics that contain the chemicals Bisphenol-A and phthalates. The adverseness of these chemicals is increased by a factor of 55 if the plastic contains hot liquids or is microwaved. Many skin creams, makeup, shampoos and perfumes contain these chemicals and are easily absorbed through the skin.
  • Take the anti-inflammatory dose of fish oil in supplements. This requires 3 grams (3000 mg) per day.
  • Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day.

Why We Eat

June 24, 2011

We eat to sustain life, because we’re hungry, right? If only it were that simple, many people would not have so much excess weight. There are many reasons why we eat. We eat because we’re happy and want to celebrate. We eat because we’re sad, depressed, bored, lonely, upset, frustrated, angry, etc., etc. We eat to be social, perhaps because it’s time to eat and our family or friends are eating. We eat because we associate certain activities with eating, such as watching TV, movies, sporting events, etc. Many of these situations are acceptable, but some are not. For instance, some people eat because they’re depressed. They’re depressed because they’re obese. The more they eat, the more obese they become, which leads to more eating, which leads to more depression and so it continues.

In an ideal world, the amount and timing of our eating would correspond perfectly to the actual needs of the body. That is probably not a reasonable expectation. The best solution is to create a healthy balance. We want to eat with our family and friends, but not to excess and not the wrong things. We don’t want to miss out on eating as part of celebrations, but we also don’t want to overdo it. We don’t always have the luxury of eating at times other than scheduled breaks. For the most part, these are all workable.

What do we do when things get out of control and our eating becomes destructive? If you’re like many people, you get angry with yourself, perhaps even hate yourself. When that happens, more destructive behavior ensues. Stop beating yourself up about it. Find out why it happens. Then set goals to work on it little by little. One of the wonderful things about the Ohana Ideal Weight Loss System is that we are addressing some of the underlying reasons for these behaviors, such as trapped emotions, hormone imbalances, etc. It will still require some effort on your part to change the old patterns. However, your treatment should make it easier, helping you ensure long-term success.

General Tips for Weight Loss Program

June 24, 2011
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. You are unique. All that matters is getting from where you are to where you want to be.
  • Eat breakfast, always. Don’t eat within two hours of going to bed.
  • Stay within the program. Don’t cheat. Be sure to record cravings that you have. If you do end up cheating, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just be sure to write it down so we can address it at the next follow-up visit.
  • Stay positive, have faith. Shake off discouragement. Replace the negative thoughts and feelings with upbeat, productive thoughts and feelings, which will be made easier by our removing trapped emotions.
  • Enjoy the program. If it ever feels like torture, that’s something we need to address.
  • Drink plenty of water. There are many reasons to stay hydrated. Don’t confuse hunger with thirst.
  • Avoid fast food, greasy food and soda pop. Where possible, avoid artificial sweeteners.
  • Focus on protein and vegetables.
  • Do not obsess about your current weight. Focus on the program, your health and keeping a positive attitude. This is more about health than what the scale says you weigh. You should only weigh yourself weekly… or better yet, let us do it in your weekly follow-up visit.
  • If you wake up at night and want a snack, just drink water. If you have trouble sleeping or crave food in the middle of the night, notify us and we’ll address it.
  • Setbacks may occur from time to time. This is normal. In fact, they can be helpful since we can use those as opportunities to learn more about your body and how it reacts to various changes. With each follow-up visit, we obtain more information about your body, remove more barriers to weight loss and further prepare you for lasting success.

Inflammation and Weight Loss

June 24, 2011

One of the causes of excess weight is excess fluid in your body. The reason for this is often due to generalized inflammation. There are a number of possible causes for this. Minor food allergies are a common issue. Not every food allergy will result in hives or closing of the throat. They can be seen as irritants by the body. Inflammation is often an inappropriate immune response by the body. If the body perceives something as foreign or “unwelcome”, it activates white blood cells. However, in this case, there is no invading organism for these cells to attack. Their activity results in retention of fluids around the tissues – inflammation. With food allergies, it is generalized throughout the body. So part of the excess weight and inches can be from fluids, not just fat.

Using the Body Code or NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique), food allergies can be identified and in many cases, eliminated. As part of the Ohana Ideal Weight Loss System, we will be checking with your body regarding the foods that you typically eat to see if allergies or intolerances exist. Where possible, these sensitivities will be removed. These foods can then be eaten without any problem. In some cases however, your body knows that, allergy or not, it cannot lose weight effectively with certain foods. We will also be checking for non-food irritants that may be causing generalized inflammation in your body.

Certain types of foods naturally contribute to inflammation. One of these is omega-6 fatty acids. While this is an essential fatty acid that we need to have in our diet, many Americans eat far too much of it. This is safflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, etc. It’s found in great abundance in french fries, potato chips, and other deep-fried foods. Not only should these foods be avoided, but the omega-6 fatty acids need to be balanced out with omega-3 fatty acids. A good source is fish oil or krill oil. We recommend taking one of those supplements every day. Make sure that what you’re taking has been purified to remove mercury, which is extremely toxic and can be concentrated in fish oils.

Gluten is another food that creates inflammation for many people. We can often eliminate your sensitivity to it. There are also many gluten-free products on the market, especially in health food stores.

Those Deceptive Scales

June 24, 2011

A while back, I went to Lagoon, an amusement park here in Utah. That morning I weighed myself. I weighed myself again the next morning. I was six pounds heavier! I ate a few things that I don’t normally eat, but I didn’t pig out all day. I know for a fact that my body didn’t deposit six pounds of fat into my tissues in that one day. Even if it were capable of it, I didn’t even eat that much food. So what was it?

When you step on the scales, what you see is the sum total of the mass of everything comprising and residing within your body. That includes bone, muscle, fat, connective tissue, undigested food and waste products within your digestive tract, fluid throughout your body, blood, lymph, etc. In this case, the primary cause of my additional weight was fluid. Due to some previous injuries, I had a foot and knee that were significantly swollen. Also my body was retaining more fluid in general. As I worked to decrease my inflammation, my weight also decreased and gradually returned to normal.

Now what if I had been desperately trying to lose weight and thought that every pound that increased or decreased on the scale was due to fat? I know from working with many people how they would have reacted. It would have led to discouragement, frustration, self-loathing and depression. As if that weren’t bad enough, how do many people with weight issues respond to these emotions? They eat, especially comfort foods such as ice cream and chocolate. Had I have reacted in this manner, before long I would have replaced fluid with actual fat. I believe that too often, this kind of “misunderstanding” is responsible for unnecessary weight gain.

There are many factors that determine the number of pounds reported by the scales. If you are “big boned”, it takes less fat to account for more weight. As you’re probably aware, muscle weighs more than fat. If your primary concern is how much you weigh, you might shy away from building muscle. However, having more well-toned muscle tissue enhances your ability to burn away excess fat. You don’t need to become a body builder to get a lean body, but you do need healthy muscles. As you build them up, you could even become a little heavier, although you will get thinner, which is more important.

Hormones play a big part in this. A weak thyroid will slow your metabolism and cause you to deposit more fat. Excess estrogen will cause you to deposit not only fat but muscle tissue as well (not the healthy toned muscle discussed above). This kind of excess weight is harder to get under control and requires special attention. Adrenals are also a large factor.

It isn’t necessary to avoid the scales altogether, but one should not be obsessed with them or always assume that changes in weight mean an increase or decrease in fat. Inches (especially around the waist and hips) are an important measurement. Also get checked for percent body fat.

Using Energetic Healing for Effective, Permanent Weight Loss

June 6, 2011

In my last posting, “Journey of the Hesitant Healer”, I talked about how I’ve been getting great results with alternative forms of healing, as well as how I got to that point. From the time we first got married, my wife has struggled with her weight. So all through chiropractic college and my career as a chiropractor, I sought for answers for her. While still in school, I worked as a weight loss therapist for a popular weight loss program. It primarily used aversion therapy and education to help people overcome weight problems. In school and in practice, I paid particular attention to principles of endocrinology, metabolism, and anything else that could affect body weight. And yet, although we were able to bring her obesity somewhat under control, she was never able to lose the weight as she desired. Finally she had gastric bypass surgery, after which she exercised faithfully and avoided carbs. The weight did come off, but over time, much of it gradually returned.

What I’ve learned about obesity over the years is that for many people, it’s a very complex issue. There are people who eat large amounts of junk food and sweets and don’t exercise. Their weight problem is pretty obvious and can often be corrected with simple lifestyle changes. For some people however, it’s not such a simple matter. Many people can attest to the fact that it’s not always just calories in vs. calories out. Some people can do just about any reputable weight loss program and take off the weight. However, there are other people who don’t respond to typical weight loss programs, or if they do, the weight quickly returns once they go off the program. Why did my wife’s weight return after the surgery (which is fairly typical)? While the exact reasons may be complex, there’s one basic reason. It’s the same reason why people have a difficult time losing weight and why it keeps coming back. It’s because the underlying causes of the obesity were not corrected.

There are many possible reasons for excess weight, both physiological and psychological. There is no program that can simulateously address every possible cause of obesity. The tests and evaluations to find the issues for every person, using standard methods, would be almost unreasonably extensive. As soon as I got proficient at using energetic healing techniques to get information from the body, it became apparent that I could use those techniques to essentially ask the body what’s getting in the way of losing weight. As I do so, many issues can surface, including emotional blockages, hormone imbalances, toxins, allergies, etc. We can also use these methods to determine types and amounts of foods and exercise that are optimal for losing weight. It’s very individualized and somewhat intensive. So it may be overkill for those who easily lose weight under standard programs and can keep it off. But for those who have struggled a great deal, who have tried multiple programs and not found a successful, permanent solution, this is a great solution.

Here is a brief presentation that explains it further: