Posts Tagged ‘healing’

Crises and Priorities

August 1, 2016

storm-843732__180What are your priorities? In other words, what are the things that are most important to you? Although they could include sports, games, and other leisure activities, most likely your responses would include spouse, children, career, education, income, and or religion. When life is going smoothly, it can be easier to maintain your priorities, although a common problem is that people tend to get lazy and start slipping away from the things that are really important toward the things that are more fun or easier. When things aren’t going so smoothly, when times are turbulent and stresses mount, there are two common responses. For some people, it brings their priorities into sharp focus. Especially when we feel threatened, we cling to the things that are the very most important to us. For other people, they can sometimes go into panic or survival mode and completely lose sight of the priorities.

It is said that good health is one of the greatest blessings that you can have. It’s true that no matter who you are or what your station in life is, if you have poor health, your quality of life will suffer. This applies to old and young, rich and poor, even nobility. Of course, when I refer to health, I’m looking at it from a holistic standpoint. It’s not just a matter feeling good physically. It’s a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When you’re young and very active, the tendency is to take your health for granted. As you get older and start to accumulate injuries, surgeries and other health problems along the way, you can go too far the other way and be obsessed with your health. Of course, what I often see in these cases is that people are not obsessed with their health, but rather their health problems. (Energy flows where the attention goes.)

The commotion in the world is increasing. There is greater stress and uncertainty. Even if you’re fortunate enough to be in a stable family and have a good job, chances are you’re feeling the stress. How will you react to crises around you? When the stresses of life, community and country are closing in around you, do you set aside priorities or do you focus on them more intensely? Hopefully your health is a priority for you. I think about how, when you’re preparing to take off in an airplane and they give you the safety instructions, they tell you that if oxygen masks are needed, to put yours on first and then help those around you. The reasoning behind this should be obvious. If you pass out, you’re unable to help yourself or anyone else around you. So in life, even when your spouse and children are your main priorities, it won’t help in the long run to sacrifice your own health in order to help your family. The more stresses you have in life, the more critical it is that you pay attention to your health.

Take care of yourself. I have a feeling that conditions in the world are going to get worse before they get better. Do whatever you can to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually for whatever may lie ahead. If I can be of assistance, contact me.


January 25, 2016

Chicken vs eggChicken vs. egg – which comes first? Compared to many of life’s pressing questions, that one seems easy. As I’ve studied cause and effect over the years, and as I’ve learned about principles of happiness, success, the law of attraction, etc., I’ve had to change many of my former paradigms. For instance, I’ve always thought that if I could be “successful”, I would then be happier. Now, I’m finding that success is often the result of happiness, not the cause of it. Another one – if I could solve my most pressing problems, I would be at peace. That’s logical, isn’t it? And yet, it appears that the best condition for finding answers to your problems is to be at peace. When you can take a deep breath, have faith, believing an answer will come, and accept the situation for what it is, you allow that peace to come into your mind, which allows inspiration to flow and answers to come. It doesn’t always come right away or like a brick upside the head. It often comes, softly and subtly. That’s how inspiration works.

I’ve written before about the complexity of the mind, body and spirit. We often want so very much to find a simple solution to a complex problem. The fact is that there are often multiple causes all interwoven together. As I work with people, sometimes I get nearly miraculous results. After just a light to moderate amount of treatment, a problem that they’ve been working on correcting for many years (physical, emotional, life problem, etc.) will suddenly disappear! I believe that in many of those cases, what I’ve done is to provide the last essential piece of the puzzle (which might be a big one) that got them over that final hurdle. Most of the results I get with people range somewhere between minimal and miraculous. Where my results seem to be on the minimal side, in spite of a lot of clearing, releasing and correcting, I believe that I just haven’t done enough yet to clear that hurdle where a major difference would be felt by the patient.

In cases where I don’t seem to be making much progress, especially when I confirmed every correction through my muscle testing, did I fail? Were my efforts wasted? Think about things in your own life, where you’ve worked hard to accomplish something but did not get the desired results. Were all of your efforts wasted? Did you learn from them? Did they make you smarter, stronger, wiser? Chances are that they did. When my results have been less than spectacular, I’ve had to remind myself (and sometimes the patient) that everything we accomplished was good. We made positive changes, even when it wasn’t enough to accomplish the goal they had in mind. I was reminded of this principle in a video I saw lately about how bamboo grows. For the first 5 years, you water it, fertilize it and care for it, but you don’t see anything happening. Then suddenly, it starts growing like crazy. It can get to be 60 feet tall in a matter of weeks. In reality, it was growing all that time – under the ground. It creates a thick, complex root system so it can support the tall trunk once it starts growing above ground. If you didn’t understand this, you would most likely give up watering it and caring for it after the first year or two.

What do you do if you’re not sure your bamboo tree is doing anything, so your efforts aren’t entirely being wasted? It’s probably not going to help it grow to dig it up and check on it every few months. You’d probably kill it! So what about other things in our life? How often have we given up just short of accomplishing our goals? Or how many times have we actually been accomplishing a great deal, even when we weren’t seeing the fruits of our labors, at least not the ones pertaining to our desired goals? May I suggest the following?

  • Be at peace with the journey. Positive efforts are never wasted. Either they’re bringing you closer to your goal or you’re at least gaining wisdom and experience that will help you in other endeavors.
  • Be loving, not judgmental, toward yourself. Do your best, but then forgive yourself when you don’t accomplish things just as you would like. Then extend that same loving, forgiving attitude toward those around you, which will bring you greater peace and happiness.
  • Don’t be overly attached to every little outcome. Keep in mind that the purpose of life is to experience joy. Sometimes we don’t see the bigger picture. I’m not suggesting a lazy, “whatever” life devoid of goals or effort. I believe in working hard. However, I’ve learned that it’s important to first accept what is (as opposed to throwing inner tantrums hoping that it will magically change our current circumstances), and then with calm inspiration, work toward achieving and accepting that which we would prefer.
  • Be open to causes and effects that you may not have considered previously. Sometimes we fail to find the answers for which we seek because we have blinded ourselves to them, simply because they don’t fit into the reality that we understand or have been taught.
  • Understand that feelings of love, forgiveness, peace of heart and mind, and faith will attract more good things into your life than huge amounts of stressful work with the wrong attitude. The Emotion Code, tapping, ho’oponono, and other techniques can help to clear out the barriers to clear and peaceful thought.

I wish you joy and happiness in your life – not that everything will go smoothly without any challenges or difficulties (you’d stagnate and never reach your potential in life!), but that you will make the decision to accept joy into your life and align yourself with its principles.

Are You Blind?!

August 8, 2015

BlindnessDid you know that of the full EMF spectrum, we can only see about 2% of it? Depending on how it’s measured, it may even be less. The point is, visible light only represents a small portion of the electromagnetic waves that are out there. So what’s the difference between you and someone who is considered completely blind? Not much. It occurs to me that we’re all mostly blind since our eyes are unable to detect all but a small portion of what could be seen if we had the capacity to see all wavelengths.

The same goes for our other senses. Our ears can only pick up a small portion of the vibrations in the air. Touch, is at best, a very rough sense. Taste and smell – equally limited. Compare these senses to the majority of other mammals and you can see just how limited we are. But even then, compared to all the vibrations, frequencies, etc. that are out there, even the animals are not much better than us.

So then, where is the logic in someone saying that if they can’t detect something with their own senses, then it doesn’t exist? We’ve developed all kinds of instrumentation that can help us detect many things that our senses cannot. Did X-rays exist before they were discovered in 1895? Of course they did. Did gamma rays exist before they were first detected in 1900? Naturally! The list goes on. What else is out there that we do not now have the technology to detect effectively?

At the risk of offending some people, allow me to switch from the scientific to the spiritual. (If it does offend you in any way, please refer to some of my previous blogs about the limitations of science and how too many people treat science as if it were a religion.) In my practice as a Chiropractic Physician (yes, that’s my official title), I’ve always leaned away from the medical approach and more toward the original philosophies of chiropractic. I’ve always emphasized that chiropractic is not just a “therapy” to help back and neck pain. That was not the original purpose of chiropractic. The idea is that, as we remove interference in the nervous system by aligning the spine, the body is allowed to function better, resulting in improved health and quality of life. There are a number of techniques that are used to achieve that, but that’s the basic idea behind fundamental chiropractic.

In spite of my devotion to old-time chiropractic philosophy, I’ve been pretty conservative and what I considered to be scientifically-minded. Although I’ve been a chiropractor for over 30 years, I became converted to energy work just several years ago. I rely on muscle testing for a large portion of the work that I do (Emotion Code, Body Code, NAET, etc.). There’s also a great deal of intuition involved. This not only helps me in my muscle testing, but in helping me to know what questions to ask in my testing. The objective, scientific part of me is still not entirely confident in my intuition. However, I have found that the more I am aware of and follow my intuition, the more I’m able to help my patients.

The purpose of this post is not to make a statement about ESP, clairvoyance, or other mind powers. However, I will say that there are many things we can’t just dismiss. Might we have other senses, other than the five basic ones, that we’re not very aware of, which, if we learned to use them better, could be used as effectively as sight or hearing or any other sense? When you get a distinct “feeling” about something, it should not be ignored. As they say, sometimes you have to just “go with your gut”.

Success and the Universe

March 3, 2014

UniverseThe universe hates lies, inconsistencies, and vacuums. So does your subconscious mind. I’ve found a lot of similarities between increasing prosperity and losing weight. There’s been a lot written about the “power of positive thinking” when it comes to prosperity, but not as much for losing weight. There are diets and weight loss programs galore. The principles that I will discuss here apply not only to weight loss and prosperity, but virtually every aspect of life.

When you say “I am fat” or “I am poor”, you are reaffirming to the universe that that is your truth, which it obediently follows. When you say “I need to lose weight” or “I desperately need more money”, what is the message that you’re putting out there? The universe doesn’t want to make you into a liar. If you lost weight, there would be an inconsistency with your statement and belief that you need to lose weight, which it doesn’t want to create. Of course, once you lose the weight, you would no longer say that (hopefully), so the inconsistency would go away. The problem is in getting there. Don’t ask the universe to create inconsistency, which it abhors. The same thing goes for prosperity. If you NEED money, how can the universe give you money without making you a liar?

If you’re logical and analytical like me, you immediately see a problem. If you’re fat and say that you’re thin, then you are already a liar. Plus there’s the fear that if you say you’re thin, you’ll stop working on losing weight and just go hog-wild with food, which will make you even fatter. So it is with money. Saying that you’re wealthy when you’re really poor is not speaking truthfully. Plus there’s a possibility that you’ll start spending money you don’t have simply because you’re acting the part of a wealthy person.

First of all, (someone correct me if I’m wrong) you need to maintain some thread of connection with “reality”. Your logical mind knows that the money isn’t actually in your bank account YET. I don’t recommend that you go out and try to buy a yacht when you only have $13 in the bank simply because you’re convincing the universe and yourself that you’re already wealthy. As positive thinking gurus (Leslie Householder and others) will tell you, it’s not that you have to convince yourself that the money is already in your account and available to spend, which would not be true. However, it is a truth that once you’ve declared prosperity for yourself, in a sense, that wealth, which is “out there”, is on its way to you and can properly considered yours. So if I fully believe that I am a millionaire and declare it to the universe without doubt or hesitation, yet only have $13 in the bank currently, am I a liar? No. I certainly can’t spend it yet, but I am whoever I say I am and I can be assured that it’s on its way to me. It may take a month, a year, or 10 years, but it doesn’t make it any less mine. What if I die before it gets here? Am I a fool for spending my remaining years believing in something that never came? Or would I be more a fool for constantly reaffirming to the universe that I’m broke and therefore ensuring that I would remain broke?

Secondly, rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, fat, thin… it’s all relative. The universe doesn’t make those kinds of distinctions. These are relative terms that only make sense in our own minds. If you say you’re poor, the universe will do its best to keep you poor, as you see it. If you drive through a neighborhood of mansions with Rolls Royce’s and Mercedes’ in every driveway, you might feel like you’re poor. Yet, without changing your current financial situation, you can look at someone who truly is in abject poverty, who lives in a dirt hut with no conveniences whatsoever, where they’re lucky to get a small bowl of rice once a day, and suddenly you feel wealthy. So which is it? Are you rich or are you poor? You can see the absurdity of putting a fixed label on yourself either way. (Please keep in mind that I’m speaking to the masses in the middle. I don’t expect someone who truly is in abject poverty to somehow think like a millionaire. Even then, these principles can be used in some small way in any situation to improve one’s situation.)

The same principle applies to your weight. If you’re 80 pounds over the weight you think you should be at and you start hanging around people who are 200-300 pounds overweight, you’re less likely to feel horribly fat. On the other hand, if you spend time with people who don’t have an ounce of extra fat, you’re probably going to feel like you’re tremendously overweight. Which is it? Are you fat or thin? It’s all relative. If you think “fat”, you attract fat. You are what you tell the universe you are. It doesn’t care one way or the other. Of course, if you know that you’re significantly overweight and you tell the universe that you’re thin, it feels like a lie. You “know” that you’re overweight, not just because of whom you hang around with, but you have a tape measure, a scale and a mirror as evidence that you don’t weigh what you’d like to weigh. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s all relative.

As you focus on the way you want to be, not as wishful thinking, but assuming that role and thinking as if you’re already there, you create some conflict. You will most likely feel that conflict within, but you understand what that conflict is all about. So you can deal with it. The universe doesn’t know what to do with it. One of two things has to happen – either you have to go back to your old way of thinking (the one that matches your current reality) or the universe has to restore balance by bringing to you the thing that you desire and believe is yours. So keep thinking right and you’ll be far more likely to attract the positive changes in your life you desire.

If you’re struggling with emotional baggage that is interfering with putting these principles into practice, I recommend looking into getting some treatment using The Emotion Code.

The Power of Intention

February 7, 2014

The Power of IntentionWhen my children were young and starting to do chores around the house, we struggled with getting them to do a good job at their tasks. They would go through the motions of washing the dishes, but the dishes didn’t really get clean. They would vacuum the carpet, but not really care if the vacuum was clogged up and not picking anything up. As I think back on it now, they were doing exactly what they thought they were supposed to be doing. Their purpose was to wash the dishes or vacuum the carpet or whatever. Once they went through those motions, their purpose was accomplished and it was time to play.

How often in our lives are we just “going through the motions”? Of course, I didn’t just want my children to go through the motions of doing their chores. I wanted the dishes clean, the carpet clean, etc. That’s why I assigned them those tasks. But it took me a while to get them to understand that concept. In my own life, there have been times when I was just going through the motions, even though I didn’t always realize it. When I was young, I was taught (or so I understood) that if you be good and work hard, you’ll be rewarded with success. Later, I found that doesn’t always work. There were times when I was working like crazy and being a good boy and saying my prayers and so forth, but still I couldn’t get ahead. I realized that there was more to it. So I started listening to CD’s and reading books by people who were experts on how to get ahead in life. Many of them made it sound so easy. I tried implementing their suggestions, but still my progress was very slow and I would finally give up in frustration. I just wasn’t getting it.

Over the past few years, things have been turning around for me. I’ve picked up again on motivational speakers and authors and I think I’m finally starting to “get it”. It has a lot to do with faith. However, I prefer the word “intention”. I see intention as the purpose behind why you do what you do. Having a strong intention doesn’t guarantee success, but it makes it a whole lot more likely and will take you further than having a weak (or no) intention. Have you ever seen a football team come out onto the field where it just didn’t seem like they were there with the intention to win the game? It can be very frustrating when you’re the fan rooting for them to win. In any endeavor, if you don’t have a strong intention to win, the chances of winning are greatly diminished. Having an intention to “do your best” or “not lose” is NOT the same as fully intending to win.

In writing about faith in the past, I’ve referred to one of my favorite examples in the New Testament where the woman was cured of an issue of blood simply by touching the hem of the Savior’s clothes. Jesus felt virtue coming out of him, which in modern terms of energy work, we could say that he felt an energy shift. When he found the woman and determined what had happened, he told her that her faith had made her whole (healthy). I really don’t think Jesus was telling a little white lie to show humility. I believe he always told the truth. So it was the faith of this woman and not really an act on his part. Imagine if a friend of this woman told her to go and touch Jesus’ clothes and she would be healed, but she reacted with an attitude of, “OK, I’ll do it, but I don’t think it will work”. Do you think that she would have been healed? In this case, I would definitely say no.

In the healthcare work that I do, I’ve often wondered why two doctors would do apparently the same thing, but get very different results. There are many variables, such as the skill of the doctor, the condition of the patient, etc. However, I think there’s more to it. In the 30 years that I’ve been in practice, I’ve seen differences in myself as well as other practitioners, things that couldn’t always be explained. Now I see that a lot of it has to do with intention. One chiropractor can give someone an adjustment without much expectation, another can do it with the intention of helping the patient feel a little better, while yet another can do the same adjustment with the intention of seeing a miracle take place in the life of the patient. Will that last doctor always see a miracle with every adjustment he performs? Probably not, but he or she will see a lot more miracles in their practice than the doctor who never expects miracles or who is not treating with the intention of seeing miracles.

The same is true in every profession or endeavor. There will always be setbacks, but if your intention is to succeed, almost nothing can stop you. Whether you’re sweeping floors, bussing tables, or doing brain surgery, if your intention is to succeed, you’ll not only do a better job but receive greater satisfaction as well. Remember, wanting and needing is NOT the same thing as intending. I spent many years wanting and needing and working myself to a frazzle, but just getting more and more frustrated with not being able to provide sufficiently for my family. Even being deserving isn’t enough. When you’re not raised with a strong intention to succeed, when you’re just used to trying hard and doing your best (which isn’t wrong, but often is not enough to put you over the top), it can be tricky to learn. People who have found success often make it sound easy – “if I can do it, anyone can do it”. However, changing patterns of thinking that you’ve known all your life is seldom easy. I’ve been helped by people like Leslie Householder (author of The Jackrabbit Factor), Wayne Dyer, Russ Rosen, Angela Barrus and others, including my office partner, Joe Kepo’o, to help turn my thinking around. I still have to work at it so as not to drop back into old patterns of thinking, but to the extent that I’ve managed to have more purpose in my life and career, to the extent that I’ve been able to put more intention into what I do, I’ve been able to see far more success, not just monetarily but in helping people to have more miracles in their lives. THAT, my friends, is my true purpose in life. It’s why I do what I do – to change lives for the better through helping people heal both physically and emotionally. Life is wonderful.

Perceptions of Reality

December 19, 2013

Flying NeoI really love the Matrix movies (PG-13 version). One of my favorite parts is the last part of the first movie. Neo, the main character, played by Keanu Reeves, gets shot and killed while in the “matrix”, which is a virtual reality (which pretty much everyone thinks IS reality). Earlier in the movie, he’s told that if you get killed in the matrix, you really die. Essentially, they explained that if the mind, which is buying into the reality of the matrix, “dies” or believes that you’ve been killed, your body will not survive. However, Neo manages to rise above the illusion of the matrix. He comes back to life and sees the matrix as it really is, which is just computer code. He was able to defeat the bad guys, which were nothing more than computer code also. Then at the very end, he flies through the sky like Superman, because he is able to use the matrix to his advantage. It’s not that he gained control of the matrix at this point, but that he stopped being a victim of it.

Movies like this can almost question your understanding of and grip on reality. Is reality simply a perception or is it a truth that is independent of what we believe about it? I believe the answer is yes, or in other words, both are true. Truth does exist. There is a “reality” that is independent of anyone’s beliefs. I believe that God created man, not vice versa. However, within the realm of truth, there is a universe of possibilities. Our thoughts, actions and emotions are very real energies, which impact the universe, especially as it applies to our own experience. Are you a victim of your reality? To a certain extent (to a large extent, according to some people), you created that reality. You then become a victim of yourself. I’m not saying that you have consciously chosen to have the life that you do (hopefully you did), but you certainly had an impact on it.

You’re probably familiar with the story of the blind men and the elephant. Several blind men encountered an elephant for the first time. Each one came into contact with a different part of the elephant. So each one described the elephant differently. Although their descriptions varied widely, each one was correct since it described a specific part of the elephant. Obviously the blind men didn’t create the elephant. Life/reality is like the elephant. It’s bigger than any one of us. Our perceptions of the universe can vary widely depending on our point of view. Let’s take the story of the elephant a step further. What if the blind men changed positions to feel a different part of the elephant? Of course, their understanding of the elephant would have changed significantly. If there was an emotional response to the initial understanding of the elephant, that reaction would have changed. If we approach life from a different angle, our perception of it will change. Thus our reality will change. To the extent that we control our reality, having a greater understanding empowers us further and helps us see new possibilities.

I’ve heard it said that no two people read the same book or watch the same movie. They see it from different perspectives. So the meaning will be different for each person. To a certain extent, life is what you see it as. The greatest secret to happiness that I’ve found is gratitude. There are always things in your life to be grateful for. It can always get worse. If you’re going through a really difficult time, I don’t mean to seem callous or uncaring. Find whatever is good in your life and express gratitude for it. Not only will your perception of reality shift, but your life will start to improve as well. You can also use the Emotion Code or other means to clear some of the emotional baggage of the past. Going forward though, look for and find the joy!

Devastating Attraction

August 23, 2013

sad-woman-silhouetteI always try to keep my blogs uplifting, hoping to inspire people to live happier, healthier lives. But it’s not all sunshine and puppy dogs. Sometimes we have to address the difficult issues in life, even things we’d rather not deal with. There is a very sad ugliness that is all too common, something most people don’t want to think about, let alone discuss. In the course of my practice, working with the Emotion Code and other energy techniques, I sometimes find myself helping women who have been sexually abused as children. In many cases, it involved a close family member. I can’t imagine that any of the perpetrators felt good about what they were doing. However, they may not have been fully aware of the long-lasting damage they were doing. It results in lifelong emotional scarring that can affect a woman in many ways. (I realize that this happens to boys as well as girls, but I’m more familiar with this issue with women. So that’s what I’m writing about.)

For many people, it can be confusing and difficult to know how to deal with the uninvited lustful desires and actions of someone else toward them. For a child, it’s virtually impossible. From what I’ve seen, how a person reacts to lust that is directed toward them can have a significant impact on their life. Hopefully, for most people, unless someone is forcing themselves on them, they can deal with it fairly well. Most people are able to take a “thanks, but no thanks” attitude if the advances are not welcome. In many cases, it can be taken as a compliment, no matter what the response is. But some people are not able to handle it in a healthy manner. Some women may get virtually addicted to this type of attention. The more they feel desire toward them, no matter how crude or base, the more it builds their sense of self-esteem (although I don’t believe this is true self-esteem).

What I see more commonly is just the opposite. These women react to lust with fear and repulsion. Especially when the exposure to someone else’s lust came early in life, this lust can be closely linked to emotions of betrayal, disgust, fear and panic. These can also lead to feelings of worthlessness, hatred, resentment and other emotions. Later in life, it can be difficult to distinguish the lust that was directed toward them early on with the feelings associated with a normal healthy physical and emotional relationship. This can lead to sexual dysfunction in marriage or even the avoidance of romance with the opposite sex altogether. In cases where sexual abuse became linked to the approval of someone close to them, it can open the door to more abuse in the future. I’ve seen women go from one abusive relationship to another. It’s a confusing link between acceptance/approval and cruelty, although this isn’t always linked to early sexual abuse.

In most of the cases that I work with, the symptoms are not that extreme. There may be some sexual dysfunction and marital stress, but they’re usually tolerable. One of the most common symptoms that I see is obesity. In our culture, being overweight is not typically considered sexually attractive. So these women have an inner conflict. On the one hand, they want to be accepted and admired as being physically attractive. On the other hand, this little voice deep inside their head is constantly reminding them that to be “sexy” is the LAST thing that they want. Anything that would encourage lust toward them must be avoided at all costs. So on the outside (consciously), they’re doing everything they can to lose weight. Yet the subconscious mind is constantly thwarting their attempts. Fear prevents them from accomplishing their goal weight.

If you’ve read any of my previous blogs, you may be thinking by now, “isn’t this guy a chiropractor? What’s he doing delving into heavy psychological issues?” It’s true that I’m not a psychologist or a marriage counselor or anything like that. I don’t treat serious psychological problems. However, I am a certified Emotion Code practitioner. In the course of doing that and other energy work, I find myself dealing with the types of problems I’ve described (some in the office and some remotely). Between the work that I do and nearly 60 years of living on this planet, I do have a few things to say about this issue, although I don’t expect anyone to recognize me as an expert in this area. I have been able to help a number of women with this type of issue. The results range from minimal to miraculous. For more information on work that I do, you can visit my website at or you can go to to learn more about the Emotion Code in general. For questions and comments, use the form below.

Faith, Gratitude & Health

July 31, 2013

gratitudeI wrote previously about the power of hope in the healing process. Faith also has a great deal to do with it. There’s no question about how the degree of faith you have in both the treatment and the one administering the treatment has upon your likelihood of improving. When I was in chiropractic college, I did a research paper on the “placebo effect”. This is NOT about fooling people with sugar pills, but rather about how one’s belief and attitude toward their treatment plays into the success of the treatment. I believe that in most instances, no matter what kind of treatment one is receiving, from drugs to surgery to energy work, that placebo effect will have a bearing on the outcome.

Before medications can be marketed to the public, they must go through a number of studies in order to be approved by the FDA. Surgeries don’t usually get the same kind of research. I heard of one study where they examined a particular knee surgery. The patients were divided into three groups. The first group got the surgery they were evaluating. The second group did not get the surgery. However, their skin was opened up and then stitched back up without making any internal changes. The third group was the control group that got no treatment. Which group do you think reported the most improvement? It was actually the second group. They were the ones that didn’t get the actual surgery but thought they had.

In my own life, I’ve looked for ways to cultivate my faith — faith in God, faith in my self and my abilities, etc. Lately, I’ve found that one of the most effective means of increasing faith is to have a heartfelt expression of gratitude. When you feel gratitude down deep, it’s hard to simultaneously feel doubt or worry. It can often be more helpful to think about the things you’re grateful for than to focus on what you need or want. Remember that you are most likely to attract more of whatever you focus on. If you focus too much on your aches and pains, you will get more of the same. That doesn’t mean ignore them, but you focus more on resolving your health issues than on how miserable you feel. Find any good aspect of your health (you can usually find many if you try if you’re not in acute pain) and focus on that. Feel gratitude for it.

The next step is where faith really comes into play. Be grateful for the improved health you’re going to have. If a trusted friend said that they have sent you a gift, would you withhold your gratitude until you actually received it? That wouldn’t make sense, and it certainly wouldn’t show any faith in your friend. If you expect something good in your life, be grateful as if it were already your’s, including improved health. There are no guarantees, but your chances of getting what you want will be greatly enhanced.

Be grateful for both your current and future blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude will increase your joy, which is the purpose of your existence, and you’ll attract a lot more good into your life. For more information on how we help people achieve better health, please visit my website.

Distance Healing

July 9, 2013

energyhealingOne of the most fascinating aspects of energy work, and one of the most difficult to accept (or at least it was for me in the beginning), is the concept of proxy work. If you’re not familiar with energy work, it may seem pretty crazy for me to tell you that I often work on people that I’ve never even met in person. Five years ago, if you’d have told me about someone doing this type of work, I may have even branded that person a charlatan; someone tricking people out of their money. Now I have many people who can attest to its effectiveness. In fact, if I’m not helping someone, I discontinue the treatment. I’m still amazed at how well this really works.

The first formal introduction I had to proxy work was through the training and certification process for The Emotion Code. Dr. Brad Nelson, in his book, The Emotion Code, describes it like this:

“When someone has been given authority to act for someone else, we commonly refer to the authorized person as a proxy… By voluntarily putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else, a proxy can be tested as if they were the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be used to benefit the subject… It is literally a form of remote or distance healing. Although remote healing has not been incorporated into Western Medicine, it has been practiced both anciently and in modern times by those who practice The Silva Method, Qigong, GungFu, Reiki and other respected techniques.”

In quantum physics, there is a principle called “entanglement”. I recently watched a program where they talked about scientists doing work with this. After two particles are entangled, they can separate those particles by hundreds of miles and whatever they do to one particle is reflected in the other particle. I got excited when I heard this because it reminded me of the proxy work that I do. Whether these two principles are even connected (from a scientific standpoint), I don’t know. But I just thought it fascinating that we’re seeing a similar phenomenon outside of the world of healing and energy work.

There are many things that we can do long distance via a proxy, such as clearing trapped emotions, balancing energetic imbalances (I mainly use the Body Code), and treating allergies. I’ve worked on people as close as across the room and people as far away as the other side of the planet (New Zealand and Europe). I don’t know what the limitations are, but I can certainly work on anyone on this planet. The only catch that I know of is that you should have the subject’s permission before you have someone act as a proxy for them.

If this sounds crazy to you, feel free to read some of my previous blogs about how I came to recognize the validity and efficacy of energy work. If you’d like a consultation or to set up an appointment, visit my website at

Moon, Stars & New Paradigms

June 6, 2013

moonstarsI recently got to look at the full moon through a telescope. It was so amazing. I’ve seen detailed pictures of the moon, but this was very different looking at it myself. What was so astounding to me was the fact that I was seeing something that I had seen thousands of time, and yet I never saw it like this. It was like seeing it for the very first time.

There’s another astronomical fact that causes me deep reflection. When I look up at the night sky, whether through a telescope or just the naked eye, I realize that I’m not seeing how the stars are, but how they WERE. The closest stars are 4-6 light years away. Most of them that we see are much further away. What that means is when you look up at the stars, you’re actually seeing the past. You’re seeing the stars as they were several years ago. While it’s very cool to actually be able to witness the past, it’s also a little disturbing that I cannot see the stars as they are right now. Astronomers can come up with extremely powerful telescopes, but even they cannot see what’s happening in the distant cosmos right now.

I used to put a lot of faith in science and research. It seems like the older I get, the less faith I have in it. Research, even the highly respected double-blind studies, can be biased, results can be manipulated or misinterpreted, and so forth. Even when research is done very carefully and without bias or agenda, we can be limited by our senses, our degree of understanding, and the methods used in gathering data. I’m definitely not saying that we should do away with science. Quite the contrary. However, we just need to recognize its limitations. Many people have set aside religion in favor of science. But then they treat science as if it were a religion. To be scientifically minded is to be open minded, not clinging to dogma or preconceived notions of how the universe operates.

As I progressed in my practice as a chiropractor, over the years, I realized that body, mind and spirit all work together. I needed to learn to see things in new ways. I didn’t have to set aside the scientific model that I had been clinging to. I just had to open up its boundaries to allow new ideas in. I had to realize that the way I was looking at the human body didn’t tell the whole story. As I opened up my mind to new ways of gathering information, including tapping into the storehouse of data contained in the subconscious mind, I was able to accomplish much more with my treatment and help people with a broader range of problems.