Archive for July, 2013

Faith, Gratitude & Health

July 31, 2013

gratitudeI wrote previously about the power of hope in the healing process. Faith also has a great deal to do with it. There’s no question about how the degree of faith you have in both the treatment and the one administering the treatment has upon your likelihood of improving. When I was in chiropractic college, I did a research paper on the “placebo effect”. This is NOT about fooling people with sugar pills, but rather about how one’s belief and attitude toward their treatment plays into the success of the treatment. I believe that in most instances, no matter what kind of treatment one is receiving, from drugs to surgery to energy work, that placebo effect will have a bearing on the outcome.

Before medications can be marketed to the public, they must go through a number of studies in order to be approved by the FDA. Surgeries don’t usually get the same kind of research. I heard of one study where they examined a particular knee surgery. The patients were divided into three groups. The first group got the surgery they were evaluating. The second group did not get the surgery. However, their skin was opened up and then stitched back up without making any internal changes. The third group was the control group that got no treatment. Which group do you think reported the most improvement? It was actually the second group. They were the ones that didn’t get the actual surgery but thought they had.

In my own life, I’ve looked for ways to cultivate my faith — faith in God, faith in my self and my abilities, etc. Lately, I’ve found that one of the most effective means of increasing faith is to have a heartfelt expression of gratitude. When you feel gratitude down deep, it’s hard to simultaneously feel doubt or worry. It can often be more helpful to think about the things you’re grateful for than to focus on what you need or want. Remember that you are most likely to attract more of whatever you focus on. If you focus too much on your aches and pains, you will get more of the same. That doesn’t mean ignore them, but you focus more on resolving your health issues than on how miserable you feel. Find any good aspect of your health (you can usually find many if you try if you’re not in acute pain) and focus on that. Feel gratitude for it.

The next step is where faith really comes into play. Be grateful for the improved health you’re going to have. If a trusted friend said that they have sent you a gift, would you withhold your gratitude until you actually received it? That wouldn’t make sense, and it certainly wouldn’t show any faith in your friend. If you expect something good in your life, be grateful as if it were already your’s, including improved health. There are no guarantees, but your chances of getting what you want will be greatly enhanced.

Be grateful for both your current and future blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude will increase your joy, which is the purpose of your existence, and you’ll attract a lot more good into your life. For more information on how we help people achieve better health, please visit my website.

Distance Healing

July 9, 2013

energyhealingOne of the most fascinating aspects of energy work, and one of the most difficult to accept (or at least it was for me in the beginning), is the concept of proxy work. If you’re not familiar with energy work, it may seem pretty crazy for me to tell you that I often work on people that I’ve never even met in person. Five years ago, if you’d have told me about someone doing this type of work, I may have even branded that person a charlatan; someone tricking people out of their money. Now I have many people who can attest to its effectiveness. In fact, if I’m not helping someone, I discontinue the treatment. I’m still amazed at how well this really works.

The first formal introduction I had to proxy work was through the training and certification process for The Emotion Code. Dr. Brad Nelson, in his book, The Emotion Code, describes it like this:

“When someone has been given authority to act for someone else, we commonly refer to the authorized person as a proxy… By voluntarily putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else, a proxy can be tested as if they were the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be used to benefit the subject… It is literally a form of remote or distance healing. Although remote healing has not been incorporated into Western Medicine, it has been practiced both anciently and in modern times by those who practice The Silva Method, Qigong, GungFu, Reiki and other respected techniques.”

In quantum physics, there is a principle called “entanglement”. I recently watched a program where they talked about scientists doing work with this. After two particles are entangled, they can separate those particles by hundreds of miles and whatever they do to one particle is reflected in the other particle. I got excited when I heard this because it reminded me of the proxy work that I do. Whether these two principles are even connected (from a scientific standpoint), I don’t know. But I just thought it fascinating that we’re seeing a similar phenomenon outside of the world of healing and energy work.

There are many things that we can do long distance via a proxy, such as clearing trapped emotions, balancing energetic imbalances (I mainly use the Body Code), and treating allergies. I’ve worked on people as close as across the room and people as far away as the other side of the planet (New Zealand and Europe). I don’t know what the limitations are, but I can certainly work on anyone on this planet. The only catch that I know of is that you should have the subject’s permission before you have someone act as a proxy for them.

If this sounds crazy to you, feel free to read some of my previous blogs about how I came to recognize the validity and efficacy of energy work. If you’d like a consultation or to set up an appointment, visit my website at