Posts Tagged ‘crystal’

More on Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children

June 26, 2019

In my last article, I wrote about indigo children (people). I provided a summarized list of traits that I have seen and that others have described. However, as I mentioned, I don’t think you can positively show that someone is indigo or not based on these traits. No two people are alike. Some people have many of the traits and are not indigo. Some people are indigo but only have a few of the traits. I’m not sure that you can accurately determine if someone is indigo or not from a list of traits that a person may or may not identify with. Something more objective is needed. I believe I have found an objective test. In working with indigo people and doing brain balancing as part of a technique that I developed, I noticed a different pattern of brain energy in indigo people. (This partly involves muscle testing. It’s not an EEG.) Over time, I was able to develop the testing banner2_jpeg (2)further where I could easily tell if someone did or did not have this particular brain energy that I have come to associate with indigos. So I believe that my test is reliable for determining if someone is indigo, without having to simply rely on a list of personality traits.

Most people that I test do not show up as indigo. Being indigo is not very common. Some people, when they learn that they’re not indigo, feel disappointed. It makes them feel less special. Plus they were looking for something to explain some of their unique qualities. As I said in my last article, being indigo is both good and bad. It may give you special talents, but it also gives you special problems. The main thing to remember is that everyone has special gifts, which I believe are given to them by God. Being indigo identifies you as a person with a certain kind of brain energy. It does not make you more special than everyone else. It is unique since it’s not common. However, YOU are unique, whether you’re indigo or not.

So far, I’m the oldest indigo that I’ve found. There may be some older, but I doubt very many. I recently found that my best friend from high school, who is just 5 days younger than me, is also indigo. I believe that’s why we immediately felt so comfortable with each other and liked to spend so much time together (similar brain energy). I was born in 1955. It’s said that many indigos came in the 70’s and 80’s. I personally believe that it’s still increasing, though they are sometimes known by different terms.

Some people have asked me about Crystal Children and Rainbow Children. They are said to be the newer “versions” of Indigo Children. This overall classification of these people with these particular special gifts have been collectively referred to as “Star Children”. Some say that the first wave of star children was indigo, the second was crystal, and the third (and perhaps last) was/is rainbow. I am in the process of studying more about crystal and rainbow children. I have gathered some information but I don’t have a lot to share yet. However, I can’t say that I agree with the consecutive wave idea. I have found indigos from all age groups – from my own all the way down to infants. Indigos are still coming into the world and are probably increasing. What then are crystal and rainbow children? I believe that they are variations of indigo. I have found individuals who test differently from indigos, whom I am classifying as crystal. (I don’t mean to offend anyone in choosing my own way of classifying indigos, crystals and rainbows. But hey, I’m indigo. That’s what we do!) When I can give more definitive information on crystals and rainbows, I will follow up with another article.

So what am I treating with indigo people? I cannot change the fact that they’re indigo, nor would I want to try. However, there are a number of issues that most (if not all) indigos have to deal with, which I can help them with. Indigos’ brain energy reaches out further than other people. This is one of the main reasons why we’re more intuitive, empathetic and effective healers. However, this also makes us more vulnerable to negative energy from other people. We tend to have more energetic imbalances in our brain. And because we tend to be more sensitive and have a harder time fitting in, we need to work on our emotions more. I use a variety of energy balancing techniques to help with these issues.

As an older indigo, and one who is trained and experienced in healing arts, I definitely feel that part of my mission here in this life is to find and help other indigos. Of course, most of the people I work with are not indigo and I help them too. However, I feel especially called to help other indigos. This has a two-fold purpose. For one thing, many indigos don’t deal well with their unique qualities. They can become withdrawn, depressed, distracted, confused, etc. Some even turn to drugs and alcohol to try to cope. I use the Emotion Code, brain balancing and other modalities to help them to live effectively in this world where they may not even feel like they belong. Secondly, I want them to be able to use their gift effectively to help themselves and others to have more joy and success in this life. Being indigo certainly isn’t all bad. Properly understood and somewhat controlled, this unique brain energy can be viewed as the real gift that it is.

If you haven’t already done so, I invite you to visit my website at to get more information on indigo children and to sign up for a free, no obligation test to find out if you or your loved one is indigo. Always remember that the purpose of life is to have joy. I wish for you every happiness!